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Auburn Dental Clinic Blog

Cosmetic Benefits of Dental Implants

September 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 9:27 pm
person will nice smile enjoying cosmetic benefits of dental implants in Auburn

For several decades, dental implants have been helping patients fill in the gaps in their smiles. With an impressive 95% success rate, dental implants are extremely life-like and can last a lifetime with proper care. Although they are often classified as a restorative treatment, implants also offer several cosmetic perks. Read on to learn about three of the most noteworthy cosmetic benefits of dental implants.


Debunking 5 Common Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry

July 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 10:22 pm
hand crossing out myths

Do you have flaws and imperfections in your teeth? You might be considering cosmetic dental work. It’s the perfect solution that can give you a smile you’ll proudly show off! However, there are many misconceptions surrounding the practice that might make you think twice about pursuing treatment. While some of them were true at one point, advancements in the field have turned them into pure fallacies. Read on as we debunk five cosmetic dentistry myths that are still around today.

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