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Does It Hurt to Improve Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry?

June 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 10:34 pm
a woman smiling at her cosmetic treatments at the dentist

Now, more than ever, you can get the smile of your dreams. Due to dental technology advancements, there are now many treatments and procedures to fix a wide range of dental imperfections. Whether you are unhappy with your chipped, gapped, or discolored teeth, cosmetic dentistry can help correct a range of dental imperfections to reveal a beautiful, healthy grin. However, you may be wondering if the treatments hurt.  Read on to discover the answer and learn about the most common treatments.


3 Myths about Cosmetic Dentistry that Aren’t What They Seem

April 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 9:12 pm
young adult with a beautiful smile

Cosmetic dentistry is incredibly popular with patients, which makes sense; people tend to get more excited about whitening and straightening their teeth than root canals and fillings.

However, as with much of dentistry, there are quite a few misunderstandings about what cosmetic dentistry entails. Here are some common myths about cosmetic dentistry, and why they aren’t what they seem.


Bonding VS Veneers: Which is Right for You?

February 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 2:27 am

Woman with an attractive smileThere are more options than ever before to address common aesthetic concerns, like stains or chips. However, dental bonding and porcelain veneers continue to rank among the most popular procedures. While both can fix a variety of imperfections, there are big differences between the two treatments. Here’s what you need to know to choose the right solution for your smile.


4 Common Cosmetic Dental Flaws & How to Correct Them

November 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 3:08 pm
a woman smiling after fixing cosmetic dental flaws in Auburn

Do you tend to cover up your teeth when you grin? Are there imperfections in your pearly whites that you’d like to fix? If so, then you’re probably considering undergoing cosmetic dentistry. With one or more of these treatments, you’ll be able to achieve your dream smile in no time! Keep reading to learn about four of the most common cosmetic dental flaws and how you can address them.


What to Do if You Lose Your Dental Filling

October 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 8:33 pm
Dentist showing his patient a dental implant

It’s always good to be prepared. When disaster strikes it can be hard to think straight, so if you aren’t ready, you may make the wrong move. This is the case when it comes to dental emergencies. With that in mind, if you have a dental filling, you should know what to do if it comes loose. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make sure that you’re prepared.


“White Diet” Foods to Eat After Teeth Whitening

September 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 2:26 pm
Yogurt, one of the foods that whiten teeth

So, let’s say you’ve just wrapped up a teeth whitening treatment with your dentist. You’re probably feeling pretty good about it. After all, your pearly whites are finally living up to their name! Even so, you still need to be careful to ensure your whitened smile lasts. If you’re not, something you eat or drink could stain your teeth all over again. That said, your Auburn dentist has a solution. Here’s a summary of why to eat a “white diet” after whitening and four foods that whiten teeth.


5 Habits to Break with Dental Implants

August 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 12:14 am

Man’s hand holding cigarette If you’ve lost a tooth or two over the years, dental implants are the next best thing to your real teeth. A dental implant is the only method to recreate both the root and the crown. Surgically placing a post into the jawbone serves as a new root, allowing it to stay in place forever with the right care. With over a 95% success rate, dental implants can last for 30 years or more; however, various factors affect their lifespan. Here are 5 habits you’ll want to avoid to ensure your new smile thrives for decades.


Am I Too Young for BOTOX?

July 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 1:54 am

Woman receiving BOTOX in her foreheadAs you age, you expect certain changes to your appearance, like a few gray hairs and even some wrinkles. However, you may not have expected crow’s feet and other fine lines to appear in your 20s or 30s. While you could try to cover them with makeup, it is easy to feel insecure about the lines. As you stare in the mirror, you may wonder at what age should I start BOTOX? Contrary to common misconceptions, there’s not an age requirement for the treatment. Here’s what you need to know to turn back the clock. 


The Difference Between BOTOX and Dermal Fillers

June 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 8:15 pm
young woman getting BOTOX

In recent years, more and more people have tried to rectify signs of aging with cosmetic treatments like BOTOX and dermal fillers. While the two services may seem interchangeable, they’re actually quite different, providing unique results. If you want to make the right choice for your appearance, you should be aware of their differences and know what they’re each capable of. Read on to learn more about these treatments and what they can do for you.


Does BOTOX Have Side Effects?

March 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 1:28 pm
woman getting BOTOX injection from her cosmetic dentist

If you’d like to get rid of crow’s feet, laugh lines, and other wrinkles on your face, you may have considered BOTOX injections. After all, this service is a great way to look years younger without making it obvious that you’ve had “work done.” However, you might be curious as to whether it comes with any side effects. Short answer: yes. Longer answer: some BOTOX side effects are more common than others, but they’re vastly outweighed by the treatment’s benefits. Keep reading to learn more!

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