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Did Your Veneer Fall Off? Here’s How to Handle the Situation

June 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 7:55 pm
Illustration of a veneer that came off the tooth

Veneers can be used to hide all kinds of cosmetic imperfections on your teeth, leaving you feeling much more confident about your smile. However, while veneers can last a very long time, they can eventually fall off. This can be quite an unpleasant surprise, but luckily it’s a situation that you can deal with. Here are the 5 steps you should follow if you ever lose one of your veneers.

Step 1: Locate the Veneer and Any Pieces That Have Broken Off

You’ll want to bring the veneer to your dentist in case it can be reused. As such, your first step should be to find the veneer so that it can be stored in a safe place. If any pieces have broken off, gather them and keep them with the rest of the veneer.

Step 2: Schedule an Appointment

The next step should be obvious: you will need to call your dentist’s office to let them know what happened. Once you’ve explained the situation, your dental team will make arrangements to see you as soon as possible. They may also give you some instructions for protecting your tooth until your appointment.

Step 3: Be Careful While Waiting for Your Appointment

Placing a veneer means removing a small amount of enamel from the tooth in question. If your veneer falls off, the tooth will be exposed. It won’t be in immediate danger, but it will likely be more sensitive than your other teeth. Thus, to avoid unnecessary discomfort after your veneer falls off, you should stay away from any foods or beverages that are especially hot or cold.

Step 4: Do Not Try to Reattach the Veneer by Yourself

As tempting as it may be to try and reattach your veneer, it’s highly recommended that you refrain from doing so. It can be all too easy to damage the veneer or your enamel without meaning to. The best thing you can do is simply wait until you’re able to see a dental professional.

Step 5: Visit Your Dentist and Figure Out the Best Solution

During your appointment, your dentist will take a look at your veneer as well as your tooth. They will determine what caused the veneer to fall off and take steps to address the problem. After that, they will consider what to do about the veneer. Sometimes it may be possible to reattach the veneer that was lost. In other cases, a new veneer may be required due to the original one simply being too badly damaged.

By keeping the above steps in mind, you can ensure that you’re prepared to act quickly if your veneer ever falls off. The sooner you’re able to resolve the problem, the sooner you can go back to enjoying a dazzling smile.

About the Practice

At Auburn Dental Smiles, we provide comprehensive care to all of our patients so that they can head out into the world with healthier, more beautiful grins. For patients who want to make multiple improvements to their smiles at once, we’re proud to offer veneers as a lifelike, long-lasting cosmetic solution. To schedule a consultation at Auburn Dental Smiles, visit our website or call (253) 833-2290.

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